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At Horizons Stewardship, we pride ourselves for having some of today’s best-selling generosity authors within our family.

Explore the latest on giving in the church.


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Grow Giving in Your Church

Access FREE stewardship and generosity resources for your church when you need them. The library includes videos, eBooks, blog posts, webinars and more that cover best practices, step-by-step instructions, and easy-to-use templates. 



The Generosity Challenge

28 Days of Gratitude, Prayer, and Faith

By Scott McKenzie and Kristine Miller

4-week group study with additional resources including a 4-session DVD to spark discussion within the small group.


A Generous Life

28 Days of Devotion

By Horizons Stewardship

28 devotionals gathered into four weekly themes.


God vs. Money

Winning Strategies in the Combat Zone

By J. Clif Christopher

Get practical, up-to-date, expert advice on fundraising–one of the biggest challenges facing church and not-for-profit leaders.


The E-Giving Guide For Every Church

Using Digital Tools To Grow Ministry

By Richard Rogers

The purpose of this book is to help churches raise more money for ministry and mission by better using electronic media.


Generosity Rising

Lead a Stewardship Revolution in Your Church

By Dr. Scott McKenzie

This book is a handbook on how to lead a revolution in generosity. I invite you on a journey to go from being a lone nut to a revolutionary leader in generosity.


Not Your Parents’ Offering Plate (Revised Edition)

A New Vision for Financial Stewardship

By J. Clif Christopher

Not Your Parents’ Offering Plate provides immediate, practical guidance to all who seek to help God’s people be better stewards of their resources.



10 Ways to Increase Giving at Your Church

By Kristine Miller & Scott McKenzie

Bounty envisions stewardship to be grounded in gratitude, revealed in prayer, lived in faith. Bounty offers the only approach to stewardship development that truly works long term— a spiritual one.


Ministry of Giving

A New Vision for Financial Stewardsip

By Joel Mikell, Bill McMillan & Kimberly Stewart

The Ministry of Giving is a great reminder that our financial leaders have much more to give than just financial resources, and building a bridge to them will benefit us in ways we have yet to understand or imagine.


Crafting a Theology of Stewardship

(and Why Your Church Needs One)

By Joel Mikell

In this eBook, Joel Mikell lays out seven perspectives that should be at the heart of a theology of stewardship and presents five significant value propositions that will result.


Rich Church, Poor Church

Keys to Effective Financial Ministry

By J. Clif Christopher

Through Christopher’s insight born out of years of experience and consultation, readers can assess the financial condition of their own churches.


Church Giving Matters

More Money Really Does Mean More Ministry (2nd ed.)

By Joel Mikell and Ben Stroup

If you desire to gain a better understanding of how to lead your church through tough and prosperous economic times this book will be invaluable resource to help you fund your God-inspired vision.


CLIMB Higher

Reaching New Heights in Giving and Discipleship

By Scott McKenzie & Kristine Miller

C.L.I.M.B. rejects all the negative baggage and instead presents stewardship as a life-giving, transformative process that results in deeper faith, stronger ministries, and vibrant congregations.


Gaining Traction

Field Guide for Leadership Teams

By John E. Laster

An experienced pastor, businessman, and coach, John Laster lays out major strategies for church leaders to use in developing a team concept and cooperation to lead a church to reach its leadership potential.


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