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Franklin “Zip“ Long

Vice President

Zip Long has served as a pastor and consulting clergy for more than four decades. Leading local churches for over twenty years, Zip pastored a range of congregations from small rural parishes to suburban, mid-sized congregations to large urban, multi-staff churches. He served as a pastor, executive pastor, and lead pastor. 

In two decades as a Consulting Pastor, Zip has engaged over a hundred congregations in the journey of spiritual growth that leads to generous giving. He is continually focused on stewardship, spirituality, and coaching generosity.

A talented teacher and motivator, Zip’s passion surfaces around the need for clear communication of the gospel and generosity. Zip has guided churches through visioning, budget growth, capital construction and renovations, debt retirement, and relocations.

Rev. Long earned a Bachelor of Arts in History at Berry College, and the Master of Divinity degree from Emory University. He is trained by the International Coaching Federation (ICF).

An Atlanta native, Zip and his wife, Nada, now live in Huntsville, Alabama. They share four grown children and four amazing grandchildren.